How to Use Mortar and Pestle for Grinding Spices: 3 Easy Steps

Don’t let your expensive spices go to waste – unlock their full potential by using a mortar and pestle to grind them. Getting the most flavor out of your spices is indeed important as it enhances your dish by infusing wonderful aroma to it. So, are you ready to grind your favourite spices?

With just a few simple techniques, you can easily use this tool to crush herbs and spices into flavor-filled ingredients.

Let me show you how to use a mortar and pestle to transform spices into flavor-packed ingredients for your cooking. Get the most out of your spices with simple techniques and step-by-step guide.

Historical overview

A mortar and pestle has been a culinary tool used by many around the world for centuries. These sets were used more than spices; to combine foods and herbs. Even now these sets are being used in grinding nuts, basil and olive oil for Italian pesto Preparation.


Their use drastically reduced around the globe after the invention of electric grinder but as we know, history repeats itself – whoa!! we have started using it again to get the most out of aromatic spices. 

Grinding in Action: How to Crush Coriander, Cumin and Dry red chillies using Mortar and Pestle?

Once you have your mortar and pestle seasoned, it’s time to select your spices. I have used coriander, cumin and dry red chillies to make nice coarse powder. 

Pro tips: To enhance the flavor, roast your spices until they start releasing nice aroma.

Step 1: First, measure out the spices to your desired quantity and then add them to the mortar – make sure there are no Peebles. 


Step 2: Once the spices are placed in the mortar, hold the mortar tightly with one hand and grip the pestle with other hand. Use the pestle like a hammer to soften the spices a bit.


Step 3: Gently press down and move in a circular motion. You need to bash, crush/grind evenly until the desired texture is achieved. 


Pro tips: You need to have patience as it might take some times and effort. Most importantly, don’t worry if you don’t get it right in the first go.

How to select the right Mortar and Pestle?

There are various kind of mortar and pestle available in the market, it’s Important to select the right one. There is no hard and fast rule of selecting one but always try to get a tough one eg: Marble. I prefer marble Mortar and pestle because it’s robust, durable and nonporous, but choice is entirely yours. 

Granite is another good option to go with. Granite has a smooth and strong base that makes grinding easier.

I don’t really recommend wood as they are slightly porous with design. Stones can really do the job, you however need to be cautious of little rock/dirt particles while using. Always season the sets before first use so that mortar is cleaned properly and unwanted particles are removed.

Ceramics are very common across Europe and can be a good option but are delicate/fragile comparatively. You can also look for steel as it can be a good option if you didn’t find the marble one.

How to clean Mortar and Pestle?

It’s necessary to clean the sets after use. Rinse the sets with lukewarm water to remove any dirt or dust. Don’t use soap for cleaning as the scent of soap can be trapped within porous surface. The porous surface of some sets also need seasoning but basic cleaning with lukewarm/warm water is sufficient in most of the cases.

What recipes do require a mortar and pestle?

Let it be Italian pesto or Turkish baklava, mortar and pestle is a key tool and being used widely. Many Indian recipes often need crushed spices (eg: coriander, cumin, dry red chillies, cloves, black pepper etc..). Vegan dishes made of potato need crushed spices for flavors. Traditionally, Mutton curry and Desi chicken curry are being prepared using spices (cumin, coriander and dry red chillies) crushed in mortar and pestle.


What are the steps for proper use mortar and pestle?

Please refer ‘Grinding in action’ above to learn how to use mortar and pestle for grinding spices or grains.

Do you need to prep a mortar and pestle?

Only if you are using mortar and pestle made out of stone, wood or granite. These are unseasoned and porous thus it is possible, they may leak or release particles that can make their way into aromatic spices. So, it’s highly recommended to seasoned them before first use. Seasoning removes the unwanted trapped particles.

Can you use a mortar and pestle for fresh herbs?

Yes, you can use for crushing fresh herbs. Remember to press down the pestle gently if the herbs are softer comparatively.

General QnA

Are stone mortar and pestle safe?

Yes, they are safe for crushing spices or grains but remember to season them properly before the first use as the sets may release little particles which can make their way inadvertently into the spices.

Can I put oil in my mortar and pestle?

Oil helps in binding stuff and grinding. You can use oil if it’s needed.

Can you put water in mortar and pestle?

You either rinse the mortar and pestle in lukewarm water or run water over the sets to clean it.

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